Proposed Extension to Existing House at 636 St Patrick’s Park, Celbridge, Co, Kildare
Print pageDevelopment location:
636 St Patrick’s Park , Celbridge , kildare
The construction of a first floor extension (34.6 m²) to the side and rear of the existing semi-detached dwelling to provide 2No additional bedrooms, bathroom and walk-in wardrobe. The works will also comprise of the provision of external insulation to the front, side and rear of the building and solar panels to the roof at the front of the dwelling.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 29 October, 2014
Submission date:
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014
Owner name:
Bartlomiej Mickiewicz
Builder name:
Bartlomiej Mickiewicz
Designer name:
Magdalena Jelowicka-Mickiewicz for MCA Architects
Designer address
4 Hanover Wharf
Asgard Road, Asgard RoadDublin , dublin_2