Kildare Primary Care Centre
Print pageDevelopment location:
Old Hospital Street, Kildare Town, kildare
For minor amendments to a previously approved Planning Application Pl. Ref. 11/1237 which shall consist of the following: (1) minor revisions to the site plan including the relocation of the plant building/ ESB substation & Bin Store; revised road layout & parking layout; reduction in parking spaces from 122 to 120 no. spaces; revised location of stepped access; revised landscaping (2) Minor revisions to boundary treatments to include the omission of portion of the front wall; crash barrier and native hedgerow to Hospital Street; Timber post & rail fencing in-lieu of hit and miss fencing. (3) Minor revisions to elevations to include; revised window design; portion of tegral cladding changed to blue/black brick;additional door to Pharmacy
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 16 September, 2014
Submission date:
Tuesday, 2 September, 2014
Owner name:
Kevin McCarthy
Owner company:
CillDara Primary Healthcare Ltd
Owner address:
Greenwood Lodge
Grangebeg, Kildare Town, kildare
Builder name:
Joe McCarron
Builder address
Unit 10Greenhills Business Park, Tallaght, dublin, D24 NX77
Designer name:
Ciaran Hussey
Designer address
hussey architects13, Gilford Road, Sandymount, dublin, D04HR59
Assigned Certifier Name:
Ciaran Hussey
Assigned Certifier address
hussey architects13, Gilford Road, Sandymount, dublin, D04HR59
Certificate of Compliance on Completion:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.: