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Notice Name:

Peter Mundy

Print page
Development location: 
Main Street, Piltown, kilkenny
Subdivision of existing deli/convenience store into 2 no. retail units, one of which will be a restaurant, changes to the front and side elevation of store including provision of new sinage with all associated works at Main Street, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Kilkenny County Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 27 May, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
13/401 & PL10.423166
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 12 May, 2015


Owner name: 
Peter Mundy
Owner company: 
Leonsgarve Ltd
Owner address: 
Main St Piltown Co Kilkenny, Piltown, kilkenny


Builder name: 
Peter Mundy

Builder address

Main St Piltown Co Kilkenny, Piltown, kilkenny


Designer name: 
Timothy Guerin

Designer address

11 Rocksprings Dunmore Road, Waterford City, waterford, X91FR6E


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Timothy Guerin

Assigned Certifier address

11 Rocksprings Dunmore Road, Waterford City, waterford, X91FR6E