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Notice Name:

Connell House

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Development location: 
Connell House, Fair Green, Main Street, Duleek, meath
The development consists of works to renovate the existing dwelling structure, including demolition of the single storey modern extension, reinstatement of the thatched roof, internal alterations and new two storey rear extension, comprising kitchen, bathroom, hallway and stairs at ground floor and bedroom, ensuite and two bedrooms within the existing loft at 1st floor. Change of use of the garage/store to a self-contained one bedroom dwelling, including kitchen and living space at ground floor and bedroom and bathroom at 1st floor, construction of a new single storey porch to the rear elevation, including all associated site works, new pedestrian entrance from Church Lane to the rear garden.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Meath County Council
Commencement date: 
Tuesday, 21 October, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 7 October, 2014


Owner name: 
Pat White
Owner company: 


Builder name: 
Vincent Mathews V&P Mathews Developments Limited


Designer name: 
Shane Wherity


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Shane Wherity