Dwelling house
Print pageDevelopment location:
Davagh Etra, Emyvale, monaghan
The development consists of; The demolition of existing dwelling house and attached outbuildings and the construction of a replacement dwelling house to the east of the existing footprint, the construction of a domestic garage, sewerage treatment to be via existing sewerage treatment unit and percolation area, with entrance via the existing entrance branching off into a separate private lane to service the dwelling house and all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Thursday, 5 June, 2014
Submission date:
Thursday, 22 May, 2014
Owner name:
Gary O' Reilly
Builder name:
Gary O' Reilly
Designer name:
Aidan Sherlock
Assigned Certifier Name:
Aidan Sherlock