Kilquade Hill House
Print pageDevelopment location:
L5074, Kilquade, wicklow
(1) single storey extension (34sqm) to the south elevation (2) two storey extension (5.4sqm) to the west elevation (3) first floor extension (7.85sqm) over existing ground floor utility to the north elevation (4) blocking up of ground floor window, new first floor window and resizing of two first floor windows to the south elevation (5) resizing one ground floor window, blocking up of two windows, resizing one first floor window with two additional first floor windows to the west elevation (6) new first floor window to existing tower, resizing first floor window, blocking up door to existing tower to north elevation
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 5 August, 2014
Submission date:
Monday, 21 July, 2014
Owner name:
Sean Hourihan
Builder name:
tiberio giolgao
Designer name:
Mark Davies
Assigned Certifier Name:
Mark Davies