Proposed extension to rear of protected structure CT62, Graiguecullen Bridge, Carlow town
Print pageDevelopment location:
Graiguecullen Bridge, Carlow town, carlow
Permission is sought for proposed alterations and extensions to existing protected structure CT62 (formerly known as Bridge Stores). Proposed alterations to the structure include alterations to existing front façade (removal of existing modern shop front, reinstatement of domestic windows to ground floor, reinstatement of original archway) alterations to existing layout internally including new utility room/ bathroom to front section and new entrance hall, proposed walkway through house (as originally existed ) proposed demolition of existing two storey modern extension to rear and proposed two storey extension to replace same incorporating new living area/kitchen, building to be used as a single domestic dwelling and all associated site works at Graiguecullen Bridge, Carlow town
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 1 November, 2017
Submission date:
Tuesday, 17 October, 2017
Owner name:
John Farrell
Builder name:
John Farrell
Designer name:
Sean Mahon
Assigned Certifier Name:
Sean Mahon