Extension to Cleraun study centre
Print pageDevelopment location:
Cleraun Foster Avenue , Mount Merrion
Alterations to the existing building consisting of, (a) revisions to west facing elevation window arrangement including revised new window and patio door arrangement at ground floor level to lounge area and additional window at first floor level to bedroom, (b) revisions to south facing elevation to include additional window at ground floor level to lounge area, (c) single storey bay window extension at ground floor (7.5m2) to east facing elevation,(d) ground and partial first floor extension to internal courtyard area including rooflight and new lift installation (27m2), (e) additional rooflight over library area at first floor level to east facing roof area and additional rooflight over attic print room to internal concealed south facing roof slope and additional rooflight over teastation to internal concealed west facing roof slope; including all associated internal bedroom modifications and remodelling; all at the site known as Cleraun, 90 Foster Ave, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin.
Notice type:
7 Day Notice
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Thursday, 24 April, 2014
Owner name:
Brian Madden
Owner company:
Aosog Centres Ltd
Builder name:
Brendan Monaghan
Designer name:
Albert Noonan
Assigned Certifier Name:
Albert Noonan
Certificate of Compliance on Completion:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.: