Alteration of Dwelling Linkardstown, Tinryland, Co Carlow
Print pageDevelopment location:
Linkardstown, Tinryland, carlow, R93 Y8X4
Planning Permission for the construction of the following 1. Replace existing glass porch with a new 2.5sq/mt porch to northwest elevation, 2. Proposed 2 no. dormer windows to northwest elevation at first floor level, 3. Proposed window at ground floor level on southwest elevation, 4. Proposed 3 no. velux windows to the rear of existing dwelling, 5. Minor internal and external alterations and all ancillary site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Thursday, 29 March, 2018
Submission date:
Tuesday, 13 March, 2018
Owner name:
Paul Devoy
Owner company:
Builder name:
Paul Devoy
Designer name:
Paul Devoy