Welcome to the Building Control Management System (BCMS)
The National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office hosts CPD Events throughout the year.
To register for our next event check our Eventbrite page. The recordings of past presentations are available on our YouTube channel, these contain links to the PDFs of the presentation in the description.
The obligations for Specifiers, Designers, Builders, Certifiers and End Users, when drawing up specifications for aggregate concrete blocks, refer to the harmonised European Standard (EN 771-3) Advanced Search Results NSAI Store and specifically to the requirements of individual characteristics for the particular end use. Also refer to Standard Recommendation (S.R.) 325 Advanced Search Results NSAI Store and the Technical Guidance Documents Technical Guidance Documents.
About BCMS
Welcome to the Building Control Management System (BCMS). A Commencement Notice is required to give notice to Building Control Authorities of the erection of buildings, or classes of buildings, or the carrying out of works, or classes of works, as may be specified in the regulations. A building or works may also require a Fire Safety Certificate Application, a Disability Access Certificate Application and/or a Certificate of Compliance on Completion. For specific works or buildings an application for a Dispensation from or a Relaxation of a requirement to the building regulations may be appropriate. Each Owner, Designer, Builder and Assigned Certifier must first register/sign up with the BCMS to make a submission or accept a role. S.I. 9 of 2014 recommends this BCMS site as the preferred means of electronic building control administration.
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Useful links and documents
Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ's

Framework for Building Control Authorities

Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works

EU Construction Products Regulations