21-210 Minor development of alterations and extension to single private home at Mausrevagh Headford Co.Galway
Print pageDevelopment location:
Mausrevagh, , Headford, Galway, H91 ENY5
Alterations to an existing dwelling house, to consist of: (1) demolition of a 2 storey stone shed, rear single storey extension and front porch, (2) construction of a two storey side extension (plaster or timber clad finish), rear single storey extension, front porch, replacement sewerage treatment system and minor elevational changes to include external insulation to the existing dwelling and replacement roof tiles, (3) renovation works to include a new playroom/gym and minor elevational changes and all associated work.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 18 September, 2024
Submission date:
Tuesday, 3 September, 2024
Owner name:
Eric Cunningham
Owner address:
Mausrevagh, Headford, Galway, H91eny5
Builder name:
Eric Cunningham
Builder address
Mausrevagh, Headford, Galway, H91eny5
Designer name:
Designer address
Udaras Business Park, Claremorris, Mayo, F12W5X7