9 Arnott Street
Print pageDevelopment location:
9 Arnott Street,, South Circular Road, Portobello, dublin_8
development on this site to consist of the construction of a part single part two storey extension at the rear of the existing 3 bedroom terraced house as well as internal alterations to partition walls. The extension is located between 2 adjacent garden boundary walls and abuts the rear west elevation. The development comprises the following: 1.Demolition and removal of the existing single storey extension (gross internal; area 22sqm) built against the southern garden boundary wall and which accommodates a utility room and a boiler room, constructed in 1990 pursuant to Grant of Planning Reference 1936/89. 2. Construction of a part single part two storey extension, total gross internal area of 36.05sqm, full width of the garden space to provide a new kitchen, utility room and living area at ground floor level and a new replacement bedroom (3 of 3) at first floor level 3. Reinstatement of the garden amenity space 25.65 sqm. 4. The first floor bedroom extension will form a simple architectural box, with simple punched windows and will have the same floor and ceiling levels as the existing house onto which it abuts to facilitate obstruction free access. The top of the proposed parapet will rise above the existing eaves level.5. The ground floor will be finished in white coloured cladding, materials and white framed double glazed window and door systems. the first floor will be finished in rainscreen cladding.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 13 May, 2015
Submission date:
Wednesday, 29 April, 2015
Owner name:
Mary Scott
Owner address:
9 Arnott Street, South Circular RoadPortobello, dublin_8
Builder name:
Mark Langrell
Designer name:
Billy Murtagh