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Notice Name:

BJ Marine: Change of use of former marine warehouse to provide an open community digital academy

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Development location: 
81B Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2, dublin_2
BJ Marine: change of use from former marine based industrial/warehouse use to provide an open community digital applications academy and e-learning web resource public amenity. The proposed use incorporates the following publically accessible facilities as part of an integrated public resource: (a) Digital framed art/medi gallery and competition space with external presentation and imaging facilities: (b) Auditorium/public conference/presentation and pitching spaces and Idea Launch Pad; (c) inspiration rooms (d) research and idea exchange tutorial area (e) Open digital media communication portal and 3D video conferencing bays; (f) Community TV, radio and media platform and transmission facility; (g) Coding and digital technology start up brain space/incubation centre workshop with hard and soft ware applications trialing area; (h) Neurobic Exercise Studio and recreational facilities including pilates, yoga and open break out zones (i) Cafe/tea room; and (j) library and media archive. Proposed works to facilitate this development include the provision of a public boardwalk over the existing quay wall (which is a Protected Structure RPS No.7542) and the River Liffey; rooflights; a new door opening in the West gable; reinstatement of external sliding gates to the existing openings along the North and South facades; installation of a mezzanine gallery and internal balcony; creation of a series of internal pods at ground floor level; provision of a lift; services; male and female toilets; signage; lighting; and all other ancillary works.
Notice type: 
7 Day Notice
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Dublin City Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 24 November, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 13 November, 2014


Owner name: 
Ravensburg Ltd.
Owner company: 
Ravensburg Ltd.


Builder name: 
Myles Carey


Designer name: 
Joe Lawrence


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Joe Lawrence