extension & alterations to 23 westbrook road
Print pageDevelopment location:
23 westbrook road, highfield park, dundrum, dublin_14
The proposed development will consist of the extension of the existing roof structure to match the original ridge line of the existing building to accommodate an additional bedroom, bathroom & storage, the construction of a 14 square meter single
storey extension to the side of the existing house with a pitched roof to match the existing, a new porch to the front entrance and
the relocation of the driveway entrance.

Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 15 July, 2015
Submission date:
Wednesday, 1 July, 2015
Owner name:
maighread ni dhomhnaill
Builder name:
Ion Busuioc
Designer name:
Michael Goan