Extension & retention to existing dwelling at Ballincar, county Sligo for Karl & Maura Demmel
Print pageDevelopment location:
Ballincar, Ballincar, sligo
The proposed works to our existing dwelling consist of (1) demolition of existing single storey flat roofed rear extension, (2) the erection of two new extensions one to the west (side)& the other to the rear (North) elevations, (3) the reroofing of existing flat roofed extension to the east (side) elevation with a pitched roof to match all new additions and reduce the area of fenestration on south elevation, (4) Demolition of existing rear chimney on roof of main dwelling and its replacement with a Velux roof window, (5) Erection of a new chimney stack to the east elevation of main dwelling,(6) raise the cill level of ground floor window on front elevation to the west of entrance porch, (7) relocate existing first floor window on west elevation to rear(north) elevation, (8) Increase the height of front boundary wall to 1.5 meters and(9) retention works, retention of existing front porch to main dwelling and retention of existing car port to existing rear garage together with all associated site development works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 24 March, 2015
Submission date:
Tuesday, 10 March, 2015
Owner name:
Karl Demmel
Builder name:
Shane McGovern
Designer name:
Thomas G. Flynn