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Notice Name:

Funeral Home Carlow

Print page
Development location: 
8 Railway Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 E372
The change of use of existing educational building as granted under pl ref: 12/6504 to use as a funeral home, also to carry out internal and external alterations to accommodate same, ancillary car parking, all ancillary site works and services
Notice type: 
7 Day Notice
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Carlow County Council
Commencement date: 
Friday, 29 June, 2018
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 29 May, 2018


Owner name: 
Charlie McDermott
Owner company: 
McDermott Auctioneers Ltd
Owner address: 
Station Road Carlow, Carlow, carlow


Builder name: 
Charlie McDermott

Builder address

Station Road Carlow, Carlow, carlow


Designer name: 
Patrick Byrne

Designer address

PDS Lismard House Tullow Street, Carlow, carlow


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Tom Dunne

Assigned Certifier address

View Mount House Clogrennan, Carlow, carlow, R93P6X7