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Notice Name:

Kerrygold Butter Packing Facility, Mitchelstown

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Development location: 
Castlefarm, Mitchelstown, cork
A New Butter Processing Facility for the manufacture, packaging and distribution of Butter products. The facility will comprise a main building ranging from c. 8.5m to 13.5m in height consisting of c.1,104m² of Office /ancillary accommodation arranged over two storeys, c.2,160m² of Single Storey Production space, c.1,673m² of Single storey storage/distribution space and c. 381m² of enclosed plant space; a single storey liquid ingredients intake building c.346m² with open plant area above of c. 9.5m in height; 10 No. liquid storage silos of c.15 m in height with associated access platforms; External Pipe Bridge; External Signage; External Utilities consisting of Electrical Transformer and switch rooms c.92m², Process water storage tank and pump house c.20m², Fire water and Sprinkler Water tanks and pump house c.36m², and a waste water balancing tank, all ranging from c. 1.5m to 5.7m in height; 50 No. Car Parking Spaces and 25 No. Bicycle Parking Spaces, roads with new entrances and entrance arrangements from the existing access road, landscaping, underground services and ancillary works. The total Area of Buildings is c. 5,934 m² on a site area of c. 2.62 Ha. All access to and from the site will be by way of the existing access road to Castlefarm from the N73 (Kildorrery) Roundabout. The proposed development will be located on a site on which Industrial Emissions Licence P0 404-02 (formerly the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence) currently operates.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Cork County Council
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 18 March, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Tuesday, 3 March, 2015


Owner name: 
Mark O' Shea
Owner company: 
Irish Dairy Board Co-opeartive Ltd


Builder name: 
John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. _


Designer name: 
Ronan Smith, RKD Architects


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Gopal Naidoo

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Mitchelstown Cork Castlefarm
Mitchelstown Cork Castlefarm
Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Mitchelstown Cork Castlefarm
Mitchelstown Cork Castlefarm