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Notice Name:

Skibbereen Community School

Print page
Development location: 
Gortnaclohy, Skibbereen, cork
The proposed development of a new 2 storey 900 pupil post primary School Building, comprising of 30 no. Specialist Classrooms, 23 no. General Classrooms, P.E. hall, General Purpose hall, kitchenette & servery, offices, staff areas,4 class base special needs unit, sanitary and ancillary accommodation. site works include the demolition of existing semi-derelict farm outbuilding & livestock pens, proposed site works to include provision for 95 no. car parking spaces including accessible parking via proposed new vehicular & pedestrian access road, including bus turning circle and drop-off and pick-up facilities and fire tender access road. new pedestrian link to rossa college, north street. External works to include covered bicycle racks, formation of 5 no. ballcourts, G.A.A. playing pitch, SNU play area and external storage yard and ancillary site engineering works. External play areas will not be floodlit. The overall site area will be landscaped with grass/planted areas and complete with new boundary treatment. Further site works include an extension of the Gortnaclohy link road north from High Street to the new school entrance and new temporary roundabout and realignment of high street between the existing Gortnaclohy link road junction and Poundhill, including reconfiguration of entrance to Poundhill estate and all associated site works.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Cork County Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 5 January, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 11 December, 2014


Owner name: 
Liam Roche
Owner company: 
BAM PPP Ireland
Owner address: 
BAM PPP Ireland Kill, Kildare, kildare


Builder name: 
Ger Moloney

Builder address

Euro Business Park Little Isand, Cork, cork, T45R902


Designer name: 
Paud O Mahony

Designer address

St Patricks Place, Wellington Road,, Cork, cork, T23 E9HF


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Simon Miller

Assigned Certifier address

4th Floor 150 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5NE

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy
Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy
Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy
Skibbereen Cork Gortnaclohy