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Partial demolition of house & construction of shop unit Main St.,, Maynooth, kildareDescription:
Partial demolition of existing dwelling house & construction of retail shop unit on ground floor, incorporating alterations to façade to include provision of shop window, parking for two cars to rear.
Paul Reilly - The Woods House, Main Street, Clane. The Woods House, Main Street, Clane, kildareDescription:
Sub-division of existing building and change of use of one section from office to funeral parlour
Eddie Rockets Newbridge Unit 11, Courtyard Shopping Centre, Newbridge, kildareDescription:
change of use existing ground and first floor retail floor space to restaurant floor space to include new kitchen, toilets, offices and ancillary accommodation, also alterations to the signage on the front, rear and side elevations, along with all associated site development and facilitating works
House Construction - M & B Gilligan The Old Bog Road, Cappagh, Kilcock, kildareDescription:
Proposed new single storey residence, Puraflo or similar waste water treatment system and percolation area including upgrading of existing entrance at road, together with all ancillary site works.
Stephen Love Extension Tipperkevin, Ballymore Eustace, kildareDescription:
Demolition of existing uninhabitable kitchen & sitting room, New rear extension, Conversion of existing garage & storage shed to habitable space, alterations to existing elevations & internal layout along with all associated site development and facilitating works
Proposed Extension to Existing House at 636 St Patrick’s Park, Celbridge, Co, Kildare 636 St Patrick’s Park , Celbridge , kildareDescription:
The construction of a first floor extension (34.6 m²) to the side and rear of the existing semi-detached dwelling to provide 2No additional bedrooms, bathroom and walk-in wardrobe. The works will also comprise of the provision of external insulation to the front, side and rear of the building and solar panels to the roof at the front of the dwelling.
Detached Single Storey Dwellinghouse at Daars South, Straffan, Co. Kildare. Daars South, Straffan, kildareDescription:
Detached Single Storey Dwellinghouse
classroom extension to existing school & associated vehicle dropoff loop The Curragh, Athgarvan, kildareDescription:
Additional classroom and storeroom extension to the west facing elevation of the existing school, new upgraded percolation area, vehicle dropoff loop to school yard, reinstatement of adjacent carpark and associated drainage work
Change of use from former value centre to sports coaching unit Fortbarrington road, A thy, kildareDescription:
change of use of former value centre to a sports coaching unit- internal fitting out including new toilets and showers.
Porch for Gerard and Joan Cooney 82 Moyglare Village, Maynooth, kildareDescription:
The proposed development consists of a single-storey 3.2 m.sq. front entrance porch to existing semi-detached two-storey house and associated site works.