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5696 results

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  • Replacement of signage to BOI, Main Street, Maynooth, Co Kildare Main Street, Maynooth, kildare

    the removal of the existing signage and the provision of new signage as follows: a) white back-lit pin-mounted ‘Bank of Ireland’ sign and logo on a blue fascia to the front elevation. The building is within an Architectural Conservation Area.

    14/239 View details
  • Extension at 12 Kilbelin Park 12 Kilbelin Park, Newbridge, kildare

    Extensions and alterations to existing two storey dwelling to include the following: (1) Extending the ground floor to provide enlarged utility room. (2) Removal of existing single storey roof and construction of 2 new bedrooms at first floor level.

    14407 View details
  • Marie Merrins & Martin McCormack Kildoon, Nurney, kildare

    A one-storey bungalow dwelling, septic tank and percolation area, detached domestic garage, recessed entrance and all associated site works.

    12/1007 View details
  • 14.30 - N. Conlan & Sons Car Showroom renovations Tougher Business Park, Naas, kildare

    Internal building amendments to the ground floor allowing for a new workshop/parts dept & showroom within the existing building. A new entrance porch, a new first floor mezzanine for offices and staff facilities. New elevation treatment, signage, flag poles and reconfigured car parking.

    14/206 View details
  • Kildare Primary Care Centre Old Hospital Street, Kildare Town, kildare

    For minor amendments to a previously approved Planning Application Pl. Ref. 11/1237 which shall consist of the following: (1) minor revisions to the site plan including the relocation of the plant building/ ESB substation & Bin Store; revised road layout & parking layout; reduction in parking spaces from 122 to 120 no. spaces; revised location of stepped access; revised landscaping (2) Minor revisions to boundary treatments to include the omission of portion of the front wall; crash barrier and native hedgerow to Hospital Street; Timber post & rail fencing in-lieu of hit and miss fencing. (3) Minor revisions to elevations to include; revised window design; portion of tegral cladding changed to blue/black brick;additional door to Pharmacy

    14/231 View details
  • new Sunroom at 19 Parklands Rise Maynooth No. 16 Parklands Rise, Railpark, Maynooth, kildare

    Single-storey Sunroom to two-storey house

    14/335 View details
  • Thomas & Elizabeth lynch Crockanure Glebe, Old Road, Kildare Town, kildare

    16.13 m2 single storey domestic extension to front of existing dwelling

    14/408 View details
  • Derravaragh, Newtown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare Derravaragh, Newtown, Maynooth,, kildare

    Extension to the side (West), an integral 14.6m2 garage to the side (West) and a 17.4m2 extension to the rear (South) of the existing 143m2 single storey house. Total area of proposed extended living accommodation is 37.5m2. The completed house will measure 180.5m2 plus the new integral garage of 14.6m2

    14/121 View details
  • Cole Ballyhade Ballyhade, Castledermot, kildare

    Renovate and extend existing dormer style cottage at Ballyhade Castledermot ref 13/536 G Cole

    13536 View details
  • St. Conleth’s NS-New single-story extension comprising of four classrooms with a special needs unit. St. Conleth’s National School, Derrinturn, Carbury, kildare

    Construction of a new single-story extension comprising of four classrooms with a special needs unit and all associated site development works including removal of existing temporary accommodation at St. Conleth’s National School, Derrinturn, Carbury, Co. Kildare.

    13/859 View details



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