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Extension to House in Ballynalahessery South Ballynalahessery South, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 WN27Description:
the refurbishment and extension of the existing house, removal of the existing porch, realignment of the existing roof, changes to existing door and window opes, the upgrading of the waste water treatment system and the construction of a garage along with all associated site works
No. 1 Emmet Street, Dungarvan No. 1 Emmet Street, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 KN25Description:
(1)material change of use of part of the existing Ground Floor from ‘shop’ use (39.0 sq.m. Floor Area former hairdressing salon), to use as part of the Existing House. (2) Renovation and Proposed Alteration Works to the Dwelling House, including Alterations to the Elevations and Re-design of the Floor Layout Plan, with 2 no. new Ground Floor Windows to the Front Elevation (Replacement of the Existing Shop Front), Construction of a New Patio Area and Associated Site Works
Hotel extension on The Mall, Waterford 37 The Mall, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 VXE0Description:
(a) the change of use at ground floor level from office to hotel use at no. 36 The Mall (PROTECTED STRUCTURE RPS: 260) and the forming of 2 no. internal openings to link to existing hotel, (b) the demolition of existing single storey modern extensions (not original fabric) to the rear of no. 16, 17 & 18 Lombard Street and the demolition of 3 storey modern extension to the rear of no. 19 Lombard Street, (c) the demolition of existing ground floor kitchen, chef area, toilets, ancillary accommodation and yard store at The Tower Hotel together with the demolition of existing two storey laundry and store building to the rear, (d) the construction of a new 4 storey extension to The Tower Hotel fronting Rose Lane consisting of 21 no. guest bedrooms, laundry rooms, service yard, staff facilities and changing, office, kitchen, display area and ancillary accommodation and (e) alterations to front elevation of The Tower Hotel at The Mall including the construction of a new outdoor terrace with retractable awning and glazed balustrade.
Single story extension 11 Hook View, , Dunmore East, Waterford, X91 X4D8Description:
construction of single storey extensions to both sides and a roof light to the side of the existing single storey detached house, including all ancillary site works.
Lissadell Stradbally Co. Waterford Lissadell, , Stradbally, Waterford, X42 HC43Description:
Refurbishment and extension to an existing bungalow including some wall and roof demolition and part first floor extension.
Rehab Knocklofty Day Service Extension Rehab Knocklofty, Kilnamack West,, , Clonmel, Waterford, E91 YR52Description:
Rehab Knocklofty Day service extension Kilnamack West, Clonmel, Co Waterford E91 YR52 construction of a new single storey extension to the existing Activity Centre comprising a kitchen and dining area, and WC facilities
Proposed alterations and extension to existing school at Scoil Naomh Gobnait, Coolnasmear, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. Coolnasmear, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 KF88Description:
proposed alterations and extension to existing school, WWTP and all associated site works at Scoil Naomh Gobnait, Coolnasmear, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
Dromore Extension Dromore, , Aglish, Waterford, P52T2P5Description:
New Single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, a new enclosed porch to the front of the existing dwelling, alterations to the windows of the existing dwelling.
Renovate and Extend Bishopscourt Cottage Bishopscourt Cottage, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 RA55Description:
The development will consist of demolition and alteration to the existing cottage. Demolition and alteration: (i) demolition of existing porch and eastern gable wall. (ii) alteration of the existing ground floor layout, extension to the front (northern) and side (eastern) and back (southern) elevations of the dwelling at this level; (iii) conversion of new first floor traditional style dormer extension over existing building including first floor extension to the side (eastern) elevation (iv) provision for the widening of the existing vehicular access, (v) all ancillary works, inclusive of SuDS drainage, landscaping and boundary treatment necessary to facilitate the proposed development.
1 Park Gate, Jacknell Street. 1 Park Gate, Jacknell Street,, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 HP22Description:
for the construction of a rear extension containing a new staircase, the provision of a balcony space and elevational modifications to the front, side and rear facades and all associated site works at 1 Park Gate, Jacknell Street, Dungarvan Co Waterford, X35 HP22