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Detached Single Storey Dwellinghouse at Daars South, Straffan, Co. Kildare. Daars South, Straffan, kildareDescription:
Detached Single Storey Dwellinghouse
Church of the Assumption Main Street, Garristown, dublinDescription:
The provision of a new access ramp to the north side porch and circulation paths, and the provision of disabled toilet room in the existing rear extension and will include the relocation of the boiler to the existing storage room.
Glenpines Wicklow Glen Pines, Old Long Hill,, Enniskerry, wicklowDescription:
1. Demolition of existing split level dwelling (411 sqm). 2. Construction of new 2 storey replacement dwelling (659 sqm). 3. New biocycle treatment treatment unit for new dwelling. 4. Realignment and widening of existing entrance to 4.5m. 5. All ancillary site works associated with the proposed replacement dwelling at Glen Pines Old Long Hill Enniskerry.
Extension and Alterations to Clara Swimming Pool,Clara,Co. Offaly Ballycumber Road, Clara, offalyDescription:
Extension and Alterations to Clara Swimming Pool,Clara,Co. Offaly consisting of a new single storey extension of 95 sq.m. which shall consist of reception and viewing areas, lobby and managers office, toilets, internal alterations and associated site development works to the car park area
classroom extension to existing school & associated vehicle dropoff loop The Curragh, Athgarvan, kildareDescription:
Additional classroom and storeroom extension to the west facing elevation of the existing school, new upgraded percolation area, vehicle dropoff loop to school yard, reinstatement of adjacent carpark and associated drainage work
Dormer Roof at 31 Pine Road, Ringsend 31 pine road, , ringsend, dublin_4Description:
Proposed dormer roof & winodw built onto rear slope of roof at 2nd. floor level.
Conversion of garage at 22 Avondale Road, Highfield Park, Galway 22 Avondale Road, Highfield Park, Galway, galwayDescription:
Conversion of garage and new roof to same and changes to front elevation
Construction of a single storey flat roofed 80sq.m. PortaCabin with ancillary and enabling works Rooske Road, Dunboyne, meathDescription:
Construction of a single storey flat roofed 80 sq.m. PortaCabin with ancillary and enabling works at GaelScoil Thulach na nOg, Rooske Road, Dunboyne, Co. Meath
extension and alterations to existing dwelling house 3 Brookside Terrace, dundrum road , dundrum, dublin_14Description:
Demolition of existing single storey glazed extension, retaining wall and steps to ground/basement level to front of house, alterations to existing window at ground/basement level at front of house, demolition of existing pier to driveway entrance,demolition of existing two storey and single storey extensions to rear of house,(total area 37.8 sqm). Construction of two and single storey extension to rear/side of house,(total area 28.7 sqm), new window at attic level to side gable of existing house and blocking up of existing windows and ground/basement and first floor level to side of existing house and provision of electric sliding gate to entrance at 3 Brookside Terrace, Dundrum.
Change of use from retail to Takeaway Church Street, Bagenalstown , carlowDescription:
change of existing premises from retail to hot food takeaway with sit-down area and all associated developments works