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Change of use from former value centre to sports coaching unit Fortbarrington road, A thy, kildareDescription:
change of use of former value centre to a sports coaching unit- internal fitting out including new toilets and showers.
Construction of Residence for Miriam Feighery Roxborough, Limerick, limerickDescription:
The construction of a two storey dwelling, garage, waste water treatment system, entrance and road boundary wall and ancillary works
Residential Development consisting of 1 no dwelling at Tinryland Carlow Tinryland, , Carlow , carlowDescription:
demolish existing factory and showroom (Carlow Cornice, Commercial building) and to replace same with the construction of a bungalow, new splayed entrance and associated site workk.
49 Ardlea Road, Artane, Dublin 5 9 Ardlea Road, Artane, dublin_5Description:
For the demolition of existing single-storey garage/storage structures to side and rear of existing two-storey, 3 bedroom end of terrace & construction of new single storey kitchen/dining area to the rear.
70 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1 70 Middle Abbey Street, dublin_1Description:
New timber framed entrance doorway, roller shutter, internal layout changed from loading bay to entrance lobby, etc
Cherryfield, Cherryfield Avenue, Milltown Park, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Cherryfield, Cherryfield Avenue, Milltown Park, Ranelagh, dublin_6Description:
Various works to the vehicular entrance at Cherryfield Avenue
Chapel Lane 56 & 63 Chapel Lane, Dingle, kerryDescription:
Construction of two dwelling houses
Denver McCullagh & Maureen Tully Cornanaff, Bailieborough, cavanDescription:
construct a two storey dwelling house and detached domestic garage, install wastewater treatment system and percolation area, form entrance onto existing access lane and all associated site works
Mary Stewart Curraghamongan, Ballybofey, donegalDescription:
Construction of Extension to Dwelling, Removal of Roof & Provision of Replacement Roof Incorporating an Attic Conversion
34 Baymount Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3 34, Baymount Park, Clontarf, dublin_3Description:
(1) one & two-storey extension to side & rere, involving, (a) the partial demmolition of an existing conservatory , & (b), the construction of a sheltered storage area, to side, and (2) the insertion of a first floor window to east side of an existing front element, all at 34, Baymount Pk, Dublin 3