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modify entrance Ballintemple, Dundrum, Cashel, tipperaryDescription:
modify and enlarge existing gate entrance and associated site works
Colman & Anne Lee Tullyhorky, Ballyshannon, donegal, N/ADescription:
73 North St. Skibbereen Co. Cork 73 North St, Skibbereen, Skibbereen, corkDescription:
Material alterations to dwelling including insertion of new windows/doors and alterations to interior (which shows no extension) - as described in Phase 1 drawings of application
37 Violet Hill Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 37 Violet Hill Road, Glasnevin, dublin_11Description:
Alteration of semi-detached house including new porch, new bay window and single-storey extension to side & rear
65 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 65 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4Description:
complete refurbishment of the existing three-storey return to the rear of the property including fenestration and internal stair and partition revisions and the provision of new structural opes, rooflights and all siteworks, the removal and repositioning of the existing external staircase and associated railings to rear from the first floor kitchen, the demolition of the existing single storey lean to and the provision of a new two storey extension of 29.6sqm to the rear of the property, providing additional dining and amenity space at ground and basement levels
unit 17 St Stephens Green Shopping Centre St Stephens Green Shopping Centre, dubln, dublinDescription:
fit out of existing retail unit for use as a new claries store
Werner and Christina KunzDescription:
Construction of a side extension to a dwelling house and associated site works
28 Ard Abhainn, Knockraha, Co. Cork 28 Ard Abhainn, Knockraha, Cork, corkDescription:
Development of 1st floor dwelling (20m2)
Tiknock service station Tiknock, Cobh, corkDescription:
Service station redevelopment works, includes alterations and extension to building, drainage works and auxillary site works.
Extension 48 Charleston Road 48 Charleston Road, Dublin 6, dublinDescription:
Demolition of existing single storey extension to rear and construction of a new three storey extension to rear