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Extension 4 Neptune Terrace 4 Neptune Terrace, , Skerries, Fingal, K34 FE43Description:
Demolition of existing extension and sheds and construction of a part one and part two storey extension, with internal alterations and site works
New Dwelling House at Castletown, Fardrum Castletown, Fardrum, , Athlone, Westmeath,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling house at Castletown, Fardrum
Renovation/ Extension of House Cill Chuile, Baile Na nGall, , Dingle, Kerry, V92 AW65Description:
Construction of single storey extension to dwelling, renovation of existing dwelling and construction of a garden shed
82, Woodlawn Park Drive, Dublin 24 82 Woodlawn Park Drive, , Dublin 24, South Dublin, D24 R3KCDescription:
Reinstatement of Fire-damaged 2-storey 3 bed detached dwelling (S00A/0221). Permission is also required for removal of disused chimney stack to side dwelling, internal alterations and associated siteworks
Garden Room 31 Woodvale Drive, , Dublin, Fingal, D15 N9DHDescription:
The development will consist of the demolition of the detached garage to the rear of the rear garden and the construction of a garden room containing a gym and office.
42H Palmerston Road 42H Palmerston Road, , Dublin 6, Dublin 6, D06 E1R0Description:
The construction of part 1 and part 2 storey extension, to the rear and side of the existing dwelling together with refurbishment works to the existing dwelling; refurbishment of existing windows to include retrofitting with double-glazing and repointing of existing brickwork at front, side & rear elevations; removal of existing pedestrian and vehicular entrances from Palmerston Road and Cowper Road and replacement with matching-boundary wall treatments; provision of a new pedestrian entrance from Cowper Road. At 42H Palmerston Road.
Eamon Hough Turavoggaun, , Ballinderry, Tipperary,Description:
Dwelling house, entrance, on site waste water treatment system, percolation area and all other associated works
dwelling house Grange, , Rosslare, Wexford,Description:
construction of dwelling house and associated site works
2 Hyde Park Avenue 2 Hyde Park Avenue, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A94 P9V9Description:
The construction of a two-story brick faced front extension to comprise a master ensuite bedroom on the 1st floor and a new entrance and play room on the ground floor; a single story rear extension to comprise a kitchen/dining/living room and utility room; a side extension to comprise a bay window for the play room at the ground floor level and part of the staircase enclosure at all floor levels; the conversion of the attic space and the addition of a rear facing dormer window and front and rear velux windows and alterations of the roof on the north side to comprise a bedroom and ensuite; alterations to the elevations at the front, rear and side, associated internal alterations; the reduction of the vehicular entrance from 4.1 m wide to 3.5 m wide; and associated site development works
18 Walkinston Drive 18 Walkinston Drive, , Dublin, Dublin 12, D12 E8F1Description:
The development consists of demolition of existing extension and construction of a single-storey domestic extension of floor area 22.1m2 with 1 no. roof light to right hand side of property and associated site works.