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171 Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6W, D6WY267 171 Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6W, , Dublin, Dublin 6W, D6W Y267Description:
Construction of part-single storey, part 2 storey extension to the rear of existing property, refurbishment and internal layout adjustments and all ancillary site works.
New House at 15 Golf View 15 Golf View, , Listowel, Kerry,Description:
Permission for construction of two storey detached dwelling and all associated site works at 15 Gold View, Balygowloge, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Laura Carty & Darren Smullen Corballis, Lobinstown, , Davinstown, Meath,Description:
Modification to the facades of the Existing Single Storey Dwelling, Single storey Extension to the existing dwelling, Demolition of existing porch, Upgrade of Waste Water Treatment System
The Echo Dublin Road, , Trim, Meath, C15 VP26Description:
The development will consist of renovations, alterations, including demolition of single storey extension to rear, replacement with smaller extension to rear and single storey extensions to north, west and east, elevational changes along with amendments to existing garage to accommodate plant, office, and all associated site works
Ballymakenny Farm Ballymakenny Farm, , Drogheda, Louth, no eircodeDescription:
Permission for refurbishment and ground floor extension, provision of waste water treatment system, boundary fencing and associated civil works to existing dwelling
Richmond Avenue South Richmond Avenue South, , Milltown, Dublin 6, D06 KX50Description:
The development will consist of the full renovation and upgrading to the existing dining hall building (509 sqm) and the construction of a new single storey extension (231 sqm) to provide additional dining hall space for the school, located on a site of c. 0133 ha within the campus. The following works area proposed : installation of new gazing and upgrading of the fabric of the existing facades and roof of the Dining Hall; provision of new toilets (20sqm), additional dining area and sundry internal reconfigurations to the kitchen and servery; replacement of existing mechanical plant and a new uncovered plant enclosure at roof level (113 sqm); adjustment of existing adjacent parking layout; wayfinding signage and external lighting hard and soft landscaping in the immediate vicinity and all associated site excavation, utilities and site development works above and below ground (foul, surface water drainage and water supply). The works also include the demolition of a link corridor (47 sqm) between the existing dining hall building dormitory/ classroom building; the extension of the entrance lobby to include fire escape doors and the installation of double doors between the dining hall and dormitory/classroom building.
3569- new dwelling house at Barrymore, Kiltoom, County Roscommon Barrymore td, , Athlone, Roscommon,Description:
New 2 storey dwelling house at Barrymore, Kiltoom, County Roscommon and all site works
Construction of an Agricultural shed including Manure Pit & silage slab at Clooncunny Td Clooncunny, , Monasteraden, Sligo,Description:
Construction of a 5 bay agricultural shed to include a loose house and roofed walled manure pit with silage apron and all associated site development works
Dwelling - Dollardstown Dollardstown, , Beauparc, Meath,Description:
A part storey and a half, part single storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, new wastewater treatment system, new entrance to public road and all associated site works.
lisrenny garage 20879 Lisrenny, , Roseybrook, Louth,Description:
detached domestic garage