Shadow Lawn, Ballincollig
Print pageDevelopment location:
Shadow Lawn, Ballincollig, cork, P31 DK57
Demolition of existing outbuildings/sheds and new 2-storey rear extension to existing building, Construction of (2 and 3 storey) 2 no.detached dwelling houses & 2 no. Semi-detached houses, and all associated site works including alterations to front boundary forming new vehicular/pedestrian access, landscaping, car parking and amenity areas. at : Shadow Lawn, Carrigrohane (townland), Ballincollig, Cork.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 30 January, 2024
Submission date:
Tuesday, 16 January, 2024
Owner name:
John O'Mahony
Owner address:
St AnthonysKerry Rd , Tower, Blarney, cork, T23E934
Builder name:
John O'Mahony
Builder address
St AnthonysKerry Rd , Tower, Blarney, cork, T23E934
Designer name:
Ken Manley
Designer address
1B The Atrium
Douglas Road, Blackpool Business Park, Cork, cork, T23 T2VY
Assigned Certifier Name:
Ken Manley
Assigned Certifier address
1B The Atrium
Douglas Road, Blackpool Business Park, Cork, cork, T23 T2VY