Alterations and extension to dwelling house
Print pageDevelopment location:
8 Elton Lawn, Bishopstown, Cork, cork, T12 EYT4
Permission for proposed alterations and extension to existing single-storey dwelling at 8 Elton Lawn, Bishopstown, Cork, T12EYT4. Works to include: (1) Demolition of existing single-storey extension to rear; (2) Construction of new single-storey extension to rear and side; (3) Minor alterations to existing elevations, including demolition of one chimney stack; the amalgamation of part of the existing enclosed front porch into the house floor plan; (4) Construction of new plant room adjoining the dwelling and the existing garage,; (5) Construction of new garden wall with access door, to the east of existing garage; (6) All associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 24 April, 2024
Submission date:
Wednesday, 3 January, 2024
Owner name:
David Jones
Owner address:
8 Elton Lawn, Bishopstown, Cork, cork
Builder name:
Patrick O'Connell
Builder address
144 Lower Glanmire Road, Tivoli
Cork, Cork City, Cork, cork
Designer name:
Patrick O'Connell
Designer address
144 Lower Glanmire Road, Tivoli
Cork, Cork City, Cork, cork