Brookfield Development Phase 1
Print pageDevelopment location:
Kilbarry, , Waterford, Waterford,
99 no. houses as part of overall masterplan development area with access directly to the planned LIHAF road infrastructure including landscaping, public open space, boundary treatments, approximately 165m of LIHAF road, ESB substation, lighting and drainage and all associated site works. This is an amendment to the previously permitted application – Planning Ref: 22-385. The application will consist of a proposed change to the permitted house type mix, plus minor alterations to house types A, C, D E, the introduction of two new house types G and H, and alterations to rear garden boundary walls.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 14 October, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 30 September, 2024
Owner name:
Noel Frisby
Owner company:
Vetra Construction Ltd
Owner address:
91 Tritonville Road, Dublin, Dublin, D04XP20
Builder name:
Noel Frisby
Builder address
91 Tritonville Road, Dublin, Dublin, D04XP20
Designer name:
Mark Kennedy
Designer address
41 Dean Street, Kilkenny , Kilkenny, R95 P921
Assigned Certifier Name:
Mark Kennedy
Assigned Certifier address
41 Dean Street, Kilkenny , Kilkenny, R95 P921