10no. Dwellings at Lios Dubh, Dundalk
Print pageDevelopment location:
Lios Dubh, , Dundalk, Louth,
Construction of 10no. dwellings on a site of c. 0.3104 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 10 no. dwellings consist of 1no. House Type ARM 01 (Terraced, 3 bed two storey dwelling); 2no. House Types ARM 02 (2no. Terraced 3 bed two storey dwellings); 4no. House Types ARM 03 (2no. Semi-detached 2 bed two storey dwellings); 3no. House Types ARM 04 (3no. Terraced 2 bed two storey dwellings); Vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development will be via the existing Lios Dubh housing site access road and footpaths. The development includes the provision of new vehicular parking, EV charging points, public and communal / play spaces with associated landscaping, new boundary treatments, car parking, new footpaths, foul and surface water drainage, watermains, alterations to the existing site levels, retaining walls, all associated / ancillary landscaping and site development works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 23 December, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 9 December, 2024
Owner name:
Peter Hollywood
Owner company:
Holldev Ltd
Owner address:
Emlagh , Louth Village, Dundalk, Louth,
Builder name:
Peter Hollywood
Builder address
Emlagh , Louth Village, Dundalk, Louth,
Designer name:
Bernard Dowdall
Designer address
Carrickedmond, Dundalk, Louth, na
Assigned Certifier Name:
Bernard Dowdall
Assigned Certifier address
Carrickedmond, Dundalk, Louth, na