65 Dartmouth Square, Dublin 6
Print pageDevelopment location:
65 Dartmouth Square, -, dublin_6
-The development will consist of alterations & refurbishment of the exterior & interior of the existing dwelling with removal of non-original single story extension & construction of new rear extension & landscaping. Removal of a non original single storey extension to the rear ( 9.3 sq.M); The construction of a part single and part two storey extension (40 sq. M); Removal of a garden shed (15 sq.M) to the rear and it’s replacement with a new single storey shed of 21 sq.M.; Alterations to the rear lane wall including modification of the existing vehicle access gate and associated landscaping works; Minor modifications to internal walls and openings, Enlargement of an existing rooflight and the provision of one additional rooflight and solar panels, all positioned within the internal roof valley; General repair, upgrade and refurbishment of the existing fabric including repairs to the existing windows, facades and roof.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 2 March, 2015
Submission date:
Thursday, 12 February, 2015
Owner name:
John Matson
Owner address:
65 Dartmouth Square, -, dublin_6
Builder name:
Andrew Mannion
Builder address
Dpm Construction Dysart, Mullingar, westmeath
Designer name:
Pierre Long
Designer address
23 Mespil Road, -, dublin_4
Assigned Certifier Name:
Pierre Long
Assigned Certifier address
23 Mespil Road, -, dublin_4