Opt Out Gavin Feeney & Triona Hayes
Print pageDevelopment location:
2 Charoltte Street, Carlow, carlow
to demolish and rebuild existing two storey dwelling with a two storey extended area to the rear, an additional first floor over existing access passage way, connection to existing services and all associated site works No. 2 Charlotte Street, Carlow. It should be noted the proposed development is located within an Architectural Conservation Area.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 23 June, 2017
Submission date:
Thursday, 8 June, 2017
Owner name:
Gavin Feeney Triona Hayes
Owner company:
Redsetter Co Ltd
Builder name:
Gavin Feeney Triona Hayes
Designer name:
Patrick Byrne