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Notice Name:

15 Hollybank Avenue Lower, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

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Development location: 
15 Hollybank Avenue Lower, Ranelagh, dublin_6
Construction of a part single storey, part two storey extension to the rear of the property, to include the complete refurbishment and reconfiguration of the existing rear return, providing an additional 19.5msq at ground floor level and 12.5msq at the first floor, to provide a total additional area of 32msq. Various associated structural and fenestration amendments, including clear glazed sliding doors and windows to rear, clear glazed rooflights and all associated site works. New hardwood bin enclosure to front garden.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Baile Átha Cliath
Commencement date: 
Monday, 16 March, 2015
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 26 February, 2015


Owner name: 
Sarah Connellan


Builder name: 
Alan Bolster


Designer name: 
Gary Tynan
