4 Illen Villas
Print pageDevelopment location:
4 Illen Villas, Mardyke Walk, Cork T12TF61, Cork, cork, T12TF61
Alterations and extension to existing semi-detached dwelling at 4 Illen Villas, Mardyke Walk, Cork. Works to include : 1) demolition of existing 2 storey rear annex ; 2) construction of new 2-storey and part single storey extension to side and rear ; 3) minor alterations to existing elevations, including new dormer window to rear of main roof to replace existing flat roof dormer , and installation of new roof lights to adjoining existing garage/proposed utility room ; 4) all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 10 November, 2023
Submission date:
Wednesday, 25 October, 2023
Owner name:
David Morrissy
Owner address:
4 Illen Villas, Mardyke Walk, Cork, cork
Builder name:
John Cody
Builder address
Ballydonagh beg
County, Cork, cork, P25f726
Designer name:
Killian Kelly
Designer address
7 Vailima, Model Farm Road, Cork, cork, T12H2CY