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Notice Name:

Alterations to Laboratory to refurbish as CL3 and Plant roof top plant room extension: Phase 1 Laboratory and plant.

Print page
Development location: 
Newcastle Road, , Galway, Galway, H91 YR71
Material alterations to an existing Laboratory to refurbish as Containment level 3 Laboratory with roof level plant room extension to accommodate AHU equipment, at University Hospital Galway.
Notice type: 
7 Day Notice
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 10 July, 2024
Submission date: 
Friday, 28 June, 2024


Owner name: 
Grainne Cahill
Owner company: 
Health Service Executive
Owner address: 
Estates Department,, Gate Lodge,, Merlin Park Hospital,, Galway, Galway,


Builder name: 
Paul Carey

Builder address

6B Liosban Business Park, Tuam Road, Galway, Galway, Galway, H91 V268


Designer name: 
Brian Cullen

Designer address

56-58 Drury Street, Dublin 2, Dublin, Dublin 2, 2


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Brian Cullen

Assigned Certifier address

56-58 Drury Street, Dublin 2, Dublin, Dublin 2, 2

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Galway Galway H91 YR71 Newcastle Road