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Notice Name:

Apartment Development @ Riverside Farm, Model Farm Road, Cork

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Development location: 
Riverside Farm, Model Farm Road, Cork, cork
The construction of 48 no. flats, a basement car park and a refuge store. Block A comprises of 4 no three-bedroom, 5 person flats, 12 no two-bedroom, 4 person flats and 8 no one-bedroom, 2 person flats. Block B comprises of 4 no three-bedroom, 5 person flats, 15 no two-bedroom, 4 person flats, 1 no two-bedroom, 3 person flat and 4 no one-bedroom, 2 person flats. The basement car park comprises 43 no car parking spaces and 4 no motorcycle parking spaces
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Cathrach Chorcaí
Commencement date: 
Friday, 16 June, 2023
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Friday, 2 June, 2023


Owner name: 
Paudie Griffin
Owner company: 
OBR (Model Farm Road) Developments Limited
Owner address: 
Unit 1 Barrack Square, Joyce House, Ballincollig, cork


Builder name: 
Dan O Brien

Builder address

Unit 1, Joyce house Barrack Square,, Barrack Square, Ballincollig, cork


Designer name: 
Ciaran O Sullivan

Designer address

Joyce House, Barrack Square, Ballincollig, 0000


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Ciaran O Sullivan

Assigned Certifier address

Joyce House, Barrack Square, Ballincollig, 0000