Ballymullen Housing (18 Dwellings)
Print pageDevelopment location:
Ballymullen, , Tralee, Kerry,
Construction of 18no. 2½ storey dwellings and associated site works. This stage of the construction is to consist of 4no. detached dwellings, 2 units containing 3no. terraced and 2 units containing 4no. terraced. The housing numbers being developed are 1-4,11-16 & 23-30.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 27 December, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 9 December, 2024
Owner name:
Declan Costello
Owner company:
Yambi Limited
Owner address:
17 Murphy's Terrace, Tralee, Kerry, V92R599
Builder name:
Eamon Costelloe (Kerry) Ltd. Costello
Builder address
17 Murphy's Terrace, BAllymullen, Tralee, Kerry,
Designer name:
Ian Brosnan
Designer address
Reen Point, Tralee, Kerry, V92 X2TK
Assigned Certifier Name:
Ian Brosnan
Assigned Certifier address
Reen Point, Tralee, Kerry, V92 X2TK