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Notice Name:

Construction of 4 no. Fully Serviced Dwelling Houses and all associated Site Works

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Development location: 
Crosstown, Ardcavan, Wexford, wexford
Construction of 4 no. Fully Serviced Dwelling Houses and all associated Site Works to include the Provision of a Foul Sewerage Pumping Station on site with a Rising Main from same to be provided along the adjacent Local Road with Connection to the Public Foul Sewer System on the Regional Road R741
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman
Commencement date: 
Friday, 19 September, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 3 September, 2014


Owner name: 
Raymund Kelly
Owner company: 
Raymund Kelly Architects


Builder name: 
Jason Sinnott


Designer name: 
Darragh Ryan


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Darragh Ryan