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Notice Name:

The Dublin Central Mission, 9C Abbey Street Lower, Dublin 1

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Development location: 
The Dublin Central Mission, 9C Abbey Street Lower, dublin_1
Alterations & Refurbishment Works to Dublin Central Missions, 9c Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, a protected structure. The proposed development comprises: (i) demolition of the existing modern single storey return (17 sq m) and construction of a new return to the rear (17 sq m); (ii) construction of a new lift shaft to the rear providing access to all floors (11 sq.m); (iii) re-ordering, alteration and refurbishment of the interior of the building to facilitate the operation of the Dublin Central Mission and Abbey Street Methodist Church, including restoration of a number of original features, removal of a number of modern interventions and removal of some original fabric. Alteration and refurbishment works to the existing building include the restoration of original fenestration at top floor level; and, the removal of the stage and gallery from the upper level multi-purpose hall. The works also include provision of new fire compartmentation; meeting and office spaces; ground floor reception / social area; new toilet accommodation; the installation of roof-lights; general upgrading, sundry repairs, alterations and renewals; upgrading of services; all associated site and drainage works.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Baile Átha Cliath
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 2 October, 2014
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 18 September, 2014


Owner name: 
John Stephens
Owner address: 
Dublin Central Mission 9c Abbey Street Lower, Dublin , dublin, 1


Builder name: 
Sean Mckelvie

Builder address

Macmine Bree, Enniscorthy, wexford


Designer name: 
Paul Keogh

Designer address

Paul Keogh ArchitectsCathedral Court, Cathedral Court, New Street, dublin_8, D08 XH26


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Paul Keogh

Assigned Certifier address

Paul Keogh ArchitectsCathedral Court, Cathedral Court, New Street, dublin_8, D08 XH26