Installation of External Signage at Block B, Citygate Park, Mahon, Cork.
Print pageDevelopment location:
Citygate park, Mahon, cork
The proposed development is to install two number signs to the exterior walls of the property; Block B, Citygate Park, Mahon, Cork, at designated locations. This will be for the company named 'FireEye', and will be installed on the north face of the building accompanying existing occupant’s signs, and on the south face of the building. Planning permission has been granted for this work under reference T.P.14/36163, and it has been confirmed by the Cork City Fire Department that a Fire Safety Certificate is not required.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Saturday, 2 May, 2015
Submission date:
Friday, 17 April, 2015
Owner name:
Alan Murray
Owner company:
Axis M&E Design Engineering UK Ltd
Builder name:
Joe Foley
Designer name:
Patrick Dennehy