Jamie Kenny at Mitchelstown & Rathcarran, Athboy, Co. Meath, C15Y568
Print pageDevelopment location:
Mitchelstown & Rathcarran, , Athboy, Meath, C15 Y568
The development will consist of the demolition of an existing single-storey extension to the rear and a front porch of a single-storey dwelling and demolition of a detached garage. The construction of new single storey extensions to the front, rear and sides of the existing dwelling, alterations to the existing dwelling and site layout plan, new domestic detached garage, decommissioning of the existing septic tank and well, new wastewater disposal system, relocation and upgrade of site entrance, alterations to the adjacent agricultural entrance and all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 20 December, 2024
Submission date:
Friday, 6 December, 2024
Owner name:
Jamie Kenny
Owner address:
01, Athboy, Meath, C15Y568
Builder name:
Jamie Kenny
Builder address
01, Athboy, Meath, C15Y568
Designer name:
John Madden
Designer address
Kilpatrick Bun Brosna, Mullingar, Westmeath, N91 E308
Assigned Certifier Name:
John Madden
Assigned Certifier address
Kilpatrick Bun Brosna, Mullingar, Westmeath, N91 E308