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Notice Name:

NUIG Student Accommodation Phase 02 - Block D

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Development location: 
National University of Ireland Galway, Northern Campus, Dangan, Upper Newcastle Road, Galway, Galway, galway
This Notice applies to Block D only The entire proposed development will consist of: • Construction of a student accommodation scheme, comprising 125 number apartments with 674 number bed spaces, arranged as: − 85 units of six en-suite bedrooms, − 4 units of five en-suite bedrooms and − 36 units of four en-suite bedrooms, with communal living areas in each unit. • Further communal areas and facilities, multi-purpose spaces, ancillary office/reception accommodation, internal plant/service rooms, general storage, refuse storage and a maintenance/workshop area are also provided to service the entire development (gross external floor area 23,858 square metres). The proposed accommodation is arranged in four number blocks with Block A ranging from four to eight storeys, Block B and D extend to six storeys and Block C comprises four storeys. • A commercial/retail space (325 square metres) is provided in Block A. • The development will include site landscaping and boundary treatment, footpath and cyclist links to the campus network, building signage and all associated works. • A dedicated Biodiversity Enhancement Area, outside the construction footprint, will be managed to enhance biodiversity. This is included within the red line planning boundary for the development. • Proposed changes to the National University of Ireland Galway internal road network, including the provision of an access road and a pick-up/drop-off area. • Parking provision including seven number accessible parking bays, four number parking bays associated with the commercial/retail development and a delivery set-down area are provided on site. • A total of 376 number bicycle parking spaces (310 number spaces for students, 63 number visitor spaces and three number bicycle spaces to serve the commercial/retail space). • Underground connections to services and all associated works. • The proposed development will also be available for short-term visitor letting during the summer months.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
Commencement date: 
Friday, 20 August, 2021
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 5 August, 2021


Owner name: 
Tom King for NUIGalway Building & Estates
Owner address: 
Building and Estates Quadrangle Building NUIGalway Newcastle Road, Galway, galway


Builder name: 
Ger Ronayne

Builder address

Ger Ronayne - JJ Rhatigan & Company Wolfe Tone House Fr. Griffin Road, Galway, galway


Designer name: 
Donal O'Donohue

Designer address

Mount Pleasant Business Park , Mount Pleasant Avenue, Ranelagh, dublin, D06X7P8


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Donal O'Donohue

Assigned Certifier address

Mount Pleasant Business Park , Mount Pleasant Avenue, Ranelagh, dublin, D06X7P8

Certificate of Compliance on Completion:

Completion Certificate No.: 
Total Units on this CC: 
Galway Galway National University of Ireland Galway, Northern Campus, Dangan, Upper Newcastle Road, Galway