Opt Out- New dwelling- 5 Long Range, Powder Mills, Ballincollig,Co. Cork
Print pageDevelopment location:
5 Long Range, Powder Mills, Ballincollig, cork
Opt Out- Construction of a new dormer type dwelling house, new vehicular entrance and installation of a new waste water treatment system, polishing filter and all assoicated site works
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Monday, 12 June, 2023
Submission date:
Thursday, 25 May, 2023
Owner name:
Derek Dorgan
Owner address:
No.5 Longrange, Powdermills, Ballincollig, cork, P31 PF85
Builder name:
Aisling Murphy
Builder address
Clonmeen, Banteer, Mallow, cork, P51 TV08
Designer name:
Aisling Murphy
Designer address
Clonmeen, Banteer, Mallow, cork, P51 TV08