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Notice Name:

Proposed Construction Of A Two Storey Extension to the Rear Of Existing Dwelling House at Knockroe Td, Church Road, Castlerea

Print page
Development location: 
roscommon, F45 PW32
proposed construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the existing two storey semi-detached type dwelling house and all ancillary site works at Knockroe Townland, Church Road, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Chontae Ros Comáin
Commencement date: 
Monday, 24 May, 2021
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Monday, 10 May, 2021


Owner name: 
Gerry McLoughlin
Owner address: 
Thomastown, Trien, Castlerea, roscommon, F45 PY58


Builder name: 
Gerry McLoughlin

Builder address

Thomastown, Trien, Castlerea, roscommon, F45 PY58


Designer name: 
Mark Cunningham

Designer address

Block C N4 Axis Centre, Longford, longford, N39 X7W0
