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Notice Name:

Site Enabling Works for Pre-Fabricated Modular Emergency Accommodation Westside, Galway

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Development location: 
Field to rear of Dunnes Stores, Westside, Galway, galway, H91 YA2R
The site enabling works will be carried out in order to accommodate 17 pre-fabricated modular units which are going to be used as emergency accommodation. The site enabling works will consist of site clearance and leveling, provision of roads, footpaths, modular units foundations, diversions of foul and surface water pipelines, provision of services to individual units, car parking, public lighting, fencing/boundary treatments, playground, storage shed and general landscaping. This commencement notice relates only to the enabling works, additional notices will be lodged, as required, in respect of subsequent phases.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe
Commencement date: 
Wednesday, 21 August, 2019
Submission date: 
Wednesday, 7 August, 2019


Owner name: 
Sinead Johnstone
Owner company: 
Galway City Council
Owner address: 
Galway City Council City Hall College Road, Galway, galway


Builder name: 
Conneely Building and Civil Engineering Declan Murphy

Builder address

Kellysgrove Kellysgrove, Ballinasloe, galway


Designer name: 
Thomas Mackey

Designer address

Fairgreen House Fairgreen, Galway, galway
