St. Andrews NS Lucan
Print pageDevelopment location:
St. Edmundsbury, Lucan Road, Lucan, carlow
The development will consist of the construction of a new two-storey primary school with a total internal floor area of 2632m2. This consists of 16 classrooms, 1 no. special needs unit, a general purpose room, library, support accommodation and all ancillary works. The development also includes for the provision of 34 on site car parking spaces, vehicular access roads, set down areas, pedestrian access pathways, new vehicular and pedestrian entrance and exit gates, works to the Lucan Rd, ball courts, play areas, bin store, bicycle shelters, connection to foul drainage system, surface water attenuation, signage and landscaping as part of the overall site development works on a site area of circa. 3.237 hectares
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 19 August, 2014
Submission date:
Tuesday, 5 August, 2014
Owner name:
Aine DeBurca
Owner company:
Office of Public Works
Builder name:
K&J Townmore Construction Ltd Kevin Enright
Designer name:
Saskia O'Connor
Assigned Certifier Name:
Saskia O'Connor
Certificate of Compliance on Completion:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.: