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Cuirt Cheirin Housing Development Circular Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Overall project involves Construction of 17 no. Dwellings on existing serviced site at Cúirt Chéirín, Circular Road, Galway City. The Development will be carried out in approximately 4-5 phases. Phase 1 - 6 no. Dwellings, Phase 2 - 4 no. Dwellings, Phase 3 - 1 No. Dwelling, phase 4 - 4 Units, with subsequent phases to be confirmed. This Commencement Notice relates to Phase 4 (Unit 24 - 27).
Demolition of attached single storey garage and its replacement with a single storey side & rear extensions to House 76 Devon Park, Salthill, galway, H91 DT7NDescription:
Demolition of single storey garage and its replacement with single storey side & rear extensions to House
Extensio to 14 Glenburren Park 16 Glenburren Park, Galway, galway, H91 C4EPDescription:
Permission for demolition of existing single-storey projection to the front of the dwelling, construction of the storey extension to the front of the dwelling and construction of a single story extension to the rear of the dwelling, alterations to the internal layout and all associated site works
Refurbishment of existing school for 1 no. new ASD Classbase, Occupational Therapy room, and Toilets Dublin Road, Tuam, galway, H54 N237Description:
Alterations and refurbishment of existing school for 1 no. new ASD Classbase, Occupational Therapy room, and Toilets at Bunscoil Phadraig Naofa, Dublin Rd, Tuam, Co. Galway
Application No.: -
Seamus Fergus - Extension at 8 Manor Close, Kingston 8 Manor Close, Galway, galway, H91 HNT9Description:
1) Demolition of existing fuel store & utility room, 2) construction of a single storey side extension and refurbishment of existing dwelling house including minor changes to elevations and all associated services at 8 Manor Close, Kingston, Galway.
House Extension, 3 Loyola Place 3 Loyola Place, Galway, galway, H91 XNT6Description:
House Extension and Renovation
Extension to 59 St.James Crescent, Mervue, Galway 59 St. James' Crescent, Mervue, Galway City, galway, H91 NN2NDescription:
The development will consist of a ground floor extension to the rear. The reconfiguration and introduction of glazing to the existing ground floor accommodation, also to the rear. The introduction of a first floor window to the southern elevation. The reconfiguration of the front garden area to provide 2no. car parking spaces, and all associated site works.
Gateway Shopping Park 8 Bóthar Stiofáin, Galway, galwayDescription:
Phase 2 of Knocknacarra District Centre comprising a mixed use 2 storey developemnt (with plant areas at roof level) of c. 11,969.3 sq.m as follows: 6no. retail units (units 13-17, c. 9,688.6 sq.m GFA); creche (unit 11, c.444.4sq.m) with an external play area; cafe/restaurant( unit9, ca 197sq.m); first floor gym (unit 18, c.678.1 sq.m) as well as offices (units 7,8 & 10, c.786.5 sq.m); provision for new east/wst pedestrian link; signage zones c.143.68sq. m, canopies on southern elevation; 129 no. basement and 22.no. surface car parking spaces; 116 no. cycel spaces (at surface level); all located to the north of existing Dunnes Stores and surface car park; associated ancillary development comprising service yards, refuse areas, hard and soft landscaping, single storey ESB substation (58.2sq.m), basement entrance, vents, revised surface circulation in south east corner of site; basement level plant, attenuation areas (&foul pump), works and build out of basement area and all associated site development & drainage works. All on site of c. 1.56 hectares.
Brinkwater House Dyke Road, Galway, galway, H91 KW2DDescription:
Alterations to & convert existing single family dwelling to a community dwelling including all approved site works
72116 - Renovation Projects at GMIT Galway – PROJECT 01 Dublin Road, Galway, galway, H91 T8NWDescription:
Demolition of existing offices and classroom, construction of new offices and classroom at GMIT Galway
Application No.: