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Minor alterations works to second floor at Cancer Care West Support Centre, 74 Old Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway. Cancer Care West Support Centre, 74 Old Seamus Quirke Rd,, Galway, galway, H91 C9W0Description:
Minor alterations works to the second floor of existing Cancer Care West Support Center, at 74 Old Seamus Quirke Road, Galway. Works include a dividing partition wall between the existing open plan gym and kitchen to allow separate access via lobby to both spaces.
Application No.: -
Erection of dwelling Monument Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Erection of dwelling, garage and treatment plant
New Shed/Garage Structure 16 Emerson Avenue, Salthill, galwayDescription:
New Shed/Garage Structure
19-249 Mincloon, Barnacranny, galwayDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house with self contained granny flat and all associated site works
Gerry Hussey Alteration 6 Grattan Park, Galway, galway, H91 AKK7Description:
Permission for alterations to permission granted 18/357. Alterations to include construction of a new entrance porch, and first floor extension with revisions to front elevation to include, velux windows, solar panels to roof along with glass balustrading
Units 11 & 12 at Creig Árd, Roscam Curragrean, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Commencement Notice for Units No. 11 & 12 Creig Árd, which is located within the Greater Housing Development of Creig Árd, consisting of 20 no. dwelling houses and 17 no. apartments at Curragrean, Roscam, Galway. This commencement notice applies to the construction of 2 no. units within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted with this submission.
MOD 1 Area 3 Canteen Extension BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK, Galway, galway, H91 RD63Description:
Creation of an extension on to an existing building (the former APC MOD 1 Building) on their site at Ballybrit Business Park for personnel seating in a canteen space
2303 M Keane Dwelling Extension Galway, galway, H91 NF7KDescription:
Partial demolition of existing dwelling. Gross floor area for demolition 34 sq.m. Construction of single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. Gross floor area of new works 51 sq.m. Increase in floor area 17 sq.m.
Application No.: -
No.4 Béal Taoide 9 Roscam Park, Roscam, galway, H91 A7DRDescription:
Commencement Notice for House No.4 Béal Taoide which is located with the Greater Housing Development consisting of the construction of 14No. dwelling houses on existing serviced sites at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway. This Commencement Notice applies to the construction of 1No. unit within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted along with this Commencement Notice submission.
Ballybaan More Social Housing Scheme Old Ballybaan Road, , Ballybaan, Galway,Description:
Construction of 58 Residential units and associated site works at Old Ballybaan Road, Ballybaan More, Galway. Mix of terraced and semi-detached units - 9 apts, 9 duplex, 40 houses.