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Niall Kelly - extension Galway, galway, H91 P9DPDescription:
construction of new two storey side extension, new single storey extension to front, and new single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling
Extensions To No. 23A Fairhill 23A Fairhill Road Lower, Galway, galway, H91 E2RCDescription:
The provision of semi-detached 2-Storey & Single Storey extensions to the rear of No. 23A Fairhill. (2) Permission for the removal of the front bay-window features and the provision of a semi-detached front extension to the front of No. 23A Fairhill (3) Additional windows to the existing dwellings of No. 23A Fairhill (4)Permission to change existing site boundaries of No. 23A Fairhill to accommodate the proposed extensions
New Front Porch -1 Hawthorn place Renmore-John Kinneen 1 Hawthorn Drive, Galway, galway, H91 RCC1Description:
Construction of new front porch and all ancillary site works and serviices
Piscatorial School Fit-out Claddagh Quay, Galway, galway, H91 PK35Description:
Internal Fit out works to the former Piscatorial School, Claddagh Quay - Protected Structure RPS Ref No 2203
Extn to 71 Upper Newcastle 71 Upper Newcastle, Galway, galway, H91 A3HHDescription:
Single storey rear extension
extension to Gaelscoil Dara, Galway Ballyloughane Rd, Renmore, Galway, galway, H91 PN47Description:
2 storey - 2 classroom extension with ancillary accommodation and associated site works at Gaelscoil Dara, Ballyloughane Rd, Galway.
Grind Cafe, Unit 1 Briarhill Shopping Centre Unit 1 Briarhill Shopping Centre, Galway, galway, H91 FEK2
NUIG Rowing Club University Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Refurbishment of existing changing facilities at NUIG Rowing Club at National University of Ireland, Galway.
Application No.: -
Ground & First Floor Extensions to Existing Dwelling 10 Clifton Crescent, Galway, galway, H91 XDD3Description:
Ground & First Floor Extensions to Existing Dwelling
Siobhan Connolly School Road, Castlegar Village, galway, H91 F9K6Description:
Permission for relocation of existing pre-school in a new prefabricated temporary structure with connections to existing services to rear of existing school building.