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6931 results

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    2460212 View details
  • Poultry House (and Associated works) at Clongill Clongill, , The Shragh, Meath,

    to construct 1 No. poultry house together with all ancillary structures (to include meal storage bin(s) and soiled water tank(s)) and site works (including upgraded site entrance and storm water attenuation) associated with the above development

    2460469 View details
  • Extension to office space SuperValu Trim Haggard Street, , Trim, Meath, C15 WN63

    Extension to office space at Super Valu Trim

    ta191322 View details
  • extend & renovate existing bungalow at Killaconnigan, Ballivor, Co.Meath, C15AW08 Killaconnigan, , Cloneygrange, Meath, C15AW08

    onstruction of a single storey extension to the side and rear of the existing bungalow along with alterations and renovations to the existing bungalow. The demolition of the existing domestic garage and the construction of a new domestic garage, a revised site layout plan, the decommissioning of the existing domestic septic tank system and the installation of a replacement wastewater disposal system

    24/60441 View details
  • new dwelling at Cultromer, drumree cultromer, , Drumree, Meath,

    construction of a new detached 1.5 storey dwelling including proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area, new entrance onto public road and all associated site works with change of house type and site layout plan from that previously approved under Reg. Ref. RA/200299

    24/60772 View details
  • Kerstin Kealy, Construction of residence at Cardrath, Slane, Co. Meath. Cardrath, , Slane,, Meath,

    Kerstin Kealy, construction of private residence, entrance onto road, install proposed wastewater treatment system and percolation area.

    LB201214 View details
  • Single storey modular manufacturing facility and a two storey offices and staff facilities at Ballymurphy, Dunshaughlin Ballymurphy, , Dunshaughlin, Meath,

    The proposed development includes: 1) Construction of approx. 7,632 sq. m. gross floor area (GFA) building, consisting of a single storey factory section of approx. 6,054 sq. m. GFA and a two storey offices and staff facilities section of approx. 1,578 sq. m. GFA at Ballymurphy, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath

    2460348 View details
  • Construction of a new light industrial/warehouse unit Kells Business Park, , Kells, Meath,

    Construction of a new light industrial/warehouse unit with internal office accommodation, reception, toilet and staff canteen. Car and bicycle parking EV charging points. Security fencing. Signage on the building and all necessary ancillary site development works to facilitate this development.

    24265 View details
  • Micknanstown & Coofore Farm yard complex to include slatted cattle shed, cattle handling area and crush, dry cattle shed Micknanstown and Coolfore,, , Ardcath, Meath,

    construction of farmyard complex to include slatted cattle shed, cattle handling area and crush, dry cattle shed, straw storage area, feed / machinery store, silage and maize pit, effluent tanks and concrete yard area. The development also includes new internal access roadway to connect with the existing access road and entrance to Boyne Valley Meats and all associated site works.

    24/60698 View details
  • Provision of a new Farm Shed and works to Farm Gate Galtrim, , Dunsany, Meath, C15 RK22

    The development will consist of the provision of a new farm shed connected to a new rainwater harvesting system, installation of PV panels, works to the farm gate and all associated site works, all connected to existing and proposed onsite services. The site is located within the curtilage of Recorded Protected Structures. LA RPS IDs 91407, 91404, 91408.

    23/950 View details



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